Exist in Photos - Why Family Photography is so Important
Our most recent Family Session by Ryn Loren Photography
#ExistinPhotos is a popular hashtag that’s been floating around the photography industry for a while and I have been quietly preaching this to moms for years. But recently this subject has been shone a spotlight in my own personal life, so I wanted to share a bit more.
As many know, I have an almost 2 year old daughter, who is the love of my life. One of her favorite things to do is to point out people in the photos hanging on our walls at home….”Mommy, Daddy, Me” she says. I recently had the thought, if looking at photos at 1 gives her this much joy, imagine when she is much older! As a photographer mom, I should be awesome at getting family photos BUT, I struggle with actually taking time for family photos or even more rare is a photo of just me and her. And I know my clients struggle with the same thing!
I have so many parents that opt-out of “family” photos for a variety of reasons: Nothing to wear, self-conscious, bad hair day, etc, but trust me when I say this, “your child won’t care.” Imagine your child in 10 years time looking through a family album and not finding any photos of you in it. Now, picture your child looking at a photo of you looking at him/her with a smile on your face and love in your eyes. Which situation do you think will make them feel more loved?
As a Professional Photographer my job is to make you look your best. Through the right light, posing and angles, I can highlight your true beauty, but also your real love for each other. I encourage you to take portraits that you and your family will cherish for generations to come. You don’t need to look a certain way or be a certain way (just be yourself) to have your photo taken.
Whether you use your cell phone, a point and shoot camera, a fancy camera or a professional photographer, just make sure you exist in your photos. Not only for the big moments in life and the celebrations, but also in all the in-between daily moments and routines.
Here are a few of my favorite family moments from this summer’s Sunflower Mini Sessions. What I love about these is we are building more than a photo album, but a lifetime of memories together!