How old should a newborn be for a photoshoot?

One of the most exciting parts of having a newborn baby is capturing those precious moments and creating lasting memories through photography. However, many new parents often wonder when is the right time to schedule a photoshoot for their little one. In this blog post, we will discuss the ideal age for a newborn photoshoot and some important considerations to keep in mind.

The Ideal Age for a Newborn Photoshoot:

Newborn photography is typically done within the first two weeks of a baby's life. This is when babies are sleepiest, curliest, and easiest to pose. During this time, newborns still have that "fresh from the womb" look and have not yet developed baby acne or other skin blemishes that may appear in the following weeks.

In addition to the aesthetic reasons, it is also easier to photograph newborns within the first two weeks because they are still in the sleepy, "milk-drunk" phase and are less likely to fuss or cry during the photoshoot. However, it's important to note that every baby is different, and some newborns may not be ready for a photoshoot until they are a few weeks older and some moms need more recovery time, so the real answer is whenever works best for your family.

Factors to Consider When Scheduling a Newborn Photoshoot:

Aside from the baby's age, there are several other factors to consider when scheduling a newborn photoshoot:

  1. Health: The baby's health should always come first. If the baby is premature, has health complications, or has a weakened immune system, it may be best to wait until they are older to schedule a photoshoot.

  2. Feeding Schedule: A full baby is a happy baby, so it's important to schedule the photoshoot around the baby's feeding schedule. Make sure to feed the baby just before the photoshoot to ensure they are content and sleepy.

  3. Time of Day: Newborns tend to sleep more during the day, so it's best to schedule the photoshoot in the morning or early afternoon when the lighting is best and the baby is more likely to be sleepy.

  4. Temperature: Newborns are used to being warm and cozy in the womb, so it's important to keep the temperature of the room where the photoshoot is taking place at a comfortable and warm temperature.

No matter the age, the most important thing is to capture beautiful memories of your little one that you will cherish for years.