It’s your wedding day and you want everything to go absolutely perfect – who doesn’t?! You’ve planned out everything from the dress to reception details, but did you think about utilizing time with your photographer to its full potential, to get the best shots to remember your special day?

Here’s a few tips to help ensure that your getting ready images are spot-on:


1. Choose a getting ready place with lots of space, lots of natural light & nice decor.  Many standard hotel rooms have small windows and yellow wall paper – this is the worst combination for your photographer AND makeup artist.  Ask to see the “bridal suite” before you go dumping tons of money on a shabby place! Explore other options: Bed & Breakfast, rent out a private home on Airbnb?

2. Offer coffee, water, and beer and champagne GLASSES for your wedding party to sip from (unless Red Solo Cup is your theme song ;)

3. Coordinate pre-wedding wardrobe for your girls. Getting ready attire ( robes and custom shirts have become super popular!) is always a nice gift idea.


4. “Getting ready” is not just for the wedding party – invite your close family members to join!  This is the perfect opportunity to get candids with the ones you love. In fact, make sure some mom is ready before anyone, so she can help you into your dress. 

5. Set the mood with a little music. Have a fun playlist ready to go to get you and your bridal party pumped (or maybe relaxed) for your big day.  Turn the TV off (no one ever looks good while watching tv)!  Bring a deck of cards for the guys or throwback snapshots of your gals.  This will stir conversation, smiles, and lots of laughs!


6. Have all your details ready and laid out (or designate this task to your maid of honor) to maximize your time with your photographer and avoid running around looking for everything. 


7. Most importantly, take time to RELAX and enjoy this moment. You will be married in a few short hours and it will fly by, don’t worry about minor details or timeline mishaps, ENJOY YOUR DAY and don’t forget to SMILE!

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